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Home > Surrey > Abinger Common > Stephan Langton

Stephan Langton

Original building

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Stephan Langton was situated on Friday Street. The award-winning pub regarded as one of Surrey's best-kept secrets, was closed during Covid lockdowns in 2020 and never recovered. It had been a hub for the Abinger community, but it was sold off, and approval was given in October 2023 to turn it into a 4-bedroom residential dwelling. The pub was built in the 1930s, after a previous building burned down. The older building had associations with a Victorian poet and novelist, Martin Farquhar Tupper, well-known in his day in the UK and USA, and a favourite author of Queen Victoria.
Source: Kathryn Ludlow

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Rebuilt pub

Picture source: Hania Franek