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Home > Sussex > East Grinstead > Lion Inn

Lion Inn

Date of photo: 2009

Photo © Jo Turner

The Lion Inn was situated at 34-40 High Street. Grade-II listed shop with 14th century timber framing formerly The Lion Inn mentioned in a will of 1619. Directories for 1832 and 1855 don’t list a Lion Inn, presumably long gone by then. The building actually comprises two medieval structures, 36-40 having a broad frontage parallel to the street, and 34 representing a range at right-angles to the street; the presence of a primary cart entrance could suggest a courtyard plan from the outset. The front range, which has an aisled hall, has been dated by dendrochronology to 1352.
Source: Steve Turner

Listed building details:
Originally 2 separate buildings 2 storey, now linked together by common modern shop frontage. To right hand two gables (1 large, 1 small) some original timber framing and plaster, but C19 fenestration.

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