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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B10 > Horse & Jockey

Horse & Jockey

Date of photo: 1978

Picture source: Pete Dakin

The Horse & Jockey was situated on the junction of Bordesley Park Road and Miles Street in Small Heath.  This pub opened in 1928 and was demolished to make way for the Small Heath by-pass in the early 1980's.
My Mom and Dad ran this pub in the late 1950's and early 1960's. Their names were Alec and Hilda Cooper. I was born in the pub in 1962 and my God parents were Tom and Olive Manson who ran the Plume of Feathers up the road. We left the pub around 1964 when I was about 18 months old.
Rose Wheeler (June 2012)

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Name Dates Comments
Robert Kirk 1961/1965 I lived next door to the pub in Miles St. On the photo, it's an empty space where our house used to be.