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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B10 > New Inns

New Inns


The New Inns was situated on Muntz Street. This pub was also known as The Nest.
Source: Philip Charlton
My great, great grandfather and my great grandmother ran the New Inns, Muntz Street, Birmingham at the time that Birmingham City football club started. It was used as a temporary club room as they used a playing field across the way from the pub. My 2x great grandfather was William Starling and his daughter’s name was Sophia Louise Starling. There was a small tower on the edge of the field for watching the game. This was nicknamed “The starling’s nest”. A sign was put up to that effect as a joke. One day the tower blew down. The sign was retrieved and taken to the pub where it was nailed above the bar along with a football. My father (born 1930) remembered seeing the ball there as a small child. That is how the pub got it’s other name of “The Starlings’ Nest”. When I visited the pub in 1998 it was still an active pub and the sign outside portrayed a starling on its nest. The publican said he’d heard the story of my great grandmother and the hot food she served to football players after the match.
One last snippet: William Starling looked very much like King Edward VII. If anyone new commented on this he was given a free pint.
Lorna Webb (April 2017)

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Picture source: David Gray

Picture source: Mike Walsh