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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B11 > Greet Inn

Greet Inn


Picture source: David Gray

The Greet Inn was situated on Warwick Road. This pub has now been demolished.
Source: Philip Charlton
Yes, I was a one-time backing singer with a young semi-resident band at The Greet, they were called "The Reign".  I have no idea what happened to any of the other guys because my connection with them ended rather abruptly - long story.  The band was sort of synth pop based, doing mostly original stuff, although we did kickass cover versions of "Gold" (Spandau Ballet) and "Vienna" (Ultravox) - me playing a bit of violin on that one.  But the pub had a good music scene and was frequented by a local Irish population, as far as I remember.
Sorry I can't say more but I found a band on Youtube called Wild Turkey, who performed there in 1992, so music was obviously still going in the early 90s to some extent.
That gives you a small insight into a lost pub of Brum, good luck researching the rest!
Lisa McMaster
I lived not far from the Greet Inn (1947-1957) which had an immaculate bowling green in back. Out front was a feature of particular interest to kids like me. The paving stones were not the usual concrete composition. Not sure what they were exactly, but they ran the wheels of my roller skates quietly, and when freshly greased with graphite grease, it was an experience like ice-skating.
Opposite was the brick works at the side of the River Cole - the river where the author of middle Earth played as a kid a mile or two upstream many years before. At Greet, there were two giant pits - one a spoil pit where coke ash from the kilns was thrown, leaving a loose slippery surface which might carry you into the black water pool at its foot. The other was a clay pit where the brick clay was dug out. Both were adventure playgrounds on evenings and weekends.
Brian Whatcott (October 2017)

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Name Dates Comments
Steven Bemand 1959-1982  
Richard George 1992-1994 Best time I had as landlord. Made some good friends such as Martin & Lol, Mophead (Cilla ) Molly and a host of others. Would love to hear from them.
Brian 1988 Barman.

Other Photos
Site of The Greet Inn

Picture source: David Gray