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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B16 > The Albion

The Albion

Picture source: David Gray

The Albion was situated at 32-34 Sheepcote Street. This grade-II listed pub was demolished in 2001 with new apartments built on the site.
Source: Philip Charlton

Listed building details:
C1840-50 a terrace of 3 storey single bay houses. Red brick elevations. Shallow eaves cornice. Slate roof with corniced brick chimneys. Segmental arched ground floor windows. Three first floor windows with revealed but framed glazing bar sashes, incised panelled stucco heads flanked by consoles, cornices and pediment blocking courses. Two other windows shallow canted wood bays with pilasters and dentil cornices. Waggon way to right of ground floor adjoining small mid C19 public house front. Pilaster framed window with panelled apron and console brackets flanking dentil cornice. Similar framing to doorway. Otherwise plain segmental arched doorways. No 35 has a mid C19 shop front with composite pilaster frame, brackets flanking fascia and projecting cornice.

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David 1973/1986 Customer
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Picture source: Mick Hearn