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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B18 > The Hydraulic

The Hydraulic


Picture source: Carl Chinn Collection

The Hydraulic was situated on All Saints Street.
The photo below shows in 1925 my father, Norman Turner, at eight years old, standing with his father, Walter Edward Turner, who was licensee of the Hydraulic. I believe the pub’s name came from the fixed fire station up the road. No mobile carriages in those days. They just rolled the hoses down the street to quell any fire. My father had a terrier to chase the rats. One time, a customer said he’d never be a good ratter with a tail. Whereupon, between sips of ale, he grabbed the dog and bit off its tail. “There, now it’ll be a good ratter.”omen would send kids with milk jugs to be filled with ale to take home to their husbands. I don’t recall how long he had the pub. By sheer coincidence, my father was driving past the location and took the urge to see the old place. Must have been 1970ish. The wrecking ball had taken the rear of the place. When the demolition crew heard that was the place he lived as a child (maybe born there) they stopped the wrecking so he could go upstairs one last time to see his bedroom. Now the area is a housing estate.
Stephen Turner (December 2017)

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Date of photo: 1925

Picture source: Stephen Turner