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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B19 > The Beehive

The Beehive

Picture source: Paul Berry

The Beehive was situated at 198 Soho Hill.
The pub was run by Mr and Mrs Baker from 1975 - 85. It was the center of Birmingham entertainment for many years. West Indies cricket team used to regularly visit in 70s/80s when playing England at Edgbaston!
After The Beehive, he ran the Alkazar club on holyhead road for 20+ yrs. They are still alive and well @ 82 and 80 years old and still live in Handsworth. The pub was derelict for some years and caught fire and was demolished in 2017. The building next to it was rusty lee. Mohammed Ali visited in 1980 when he opened the Ali Centre in Hockley.
Baker (June 2022)

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Picture source: David Gray

Picture source: David Gray