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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B19 > Porchester Arms

Porchester Arms

Picture source: Moira Taylor

The Porchester Arms was situated on the corner of Porchester Street and Clifford Street. It was an Ansells pub and stood three storeys high.There was a bar, an outdoor and a smoke room. The outside was quite ornate, especially the sign on the corner of the building. There was a relatively modern extension on the Porchester St side housing part of the ( inadequate) private quarters. The pub was heated by central heating run on coke but this wasn't extended to the living quarters! Most of the custom came from people who lived nearby and a few from factories.
My dad was a customer who lived on porchester st. He drank at this pub with frankly wood who was a Foreman of a tea chest factory on porchester st. He also drank with Donald Fisher. He also knew the lordons the fishers in the early sixties ..most of us lived in the back to back houses. Compared to today..those were the good old days.
Paul Doody (March 2022)

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Publican Arthur Taylor and family, c1967

Picture source: Moira Taylor