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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B21 > Frighted Horse

Frighted Horse

Picture source: David Gray

The Frighted Horse was situated at 128 Soho Road. This pub closed c2008 and is now in retail use.
I used to work in Handsworth Tech - from 1974 until 1989 - and often used to frequent this pub, which I remember being run by a West Indian landlord. Teaching all day every Friday during my first year it became a vital watering hole for me that day in order to rehydrate and relax a little at lunchtime.
One character I can recall was an old guy who was either blind or very poorly sighted who would tap on the window as he walked past outside. I think the landlord addressed him as 'Captain' and after he handed him his pint, he would have to go through the cash tipped onto the bar to take the correct payment before giving the remainder back.
I had not noticed the pub had closed even though I drive along the Soho Road fairly often - the driving is so crazy you have to concentrate! - but it was only when I realised I'd forgotten the name of the establishment that I looked last week and realised it was now a clothing shop. I large Tropical Foods indoor market next door also seems to have gone the same way.
John Edwards (March 2024)

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