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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B26 > The Talbot

The Talbot

Date of photo: 2015

Picture source: David Gray

The Talbot was situated at 390 Church Road, Yardley. This pub closed in 1924 and is now in residential use.
I remember in 1935/36 as very young child being taken here occasionally whilst out for a walk. It was no longer a pub, but whoever lived there served cups of tea. I was considered too young for tea, but they served a wonderful ‘blackcurrant tea’ ….never had any since! It was always referred as the ‘Talbot’ as long as I can remember…… don’t think it was exactly a café.
Eileen Stanton (January 2020)
My late father Alfred Holloway (born in Church Road 1908) showed me The Talbot building when I was a child and he recalled it being a pub in his youth.  Yardley was a rural village in Worcestershire when he was born so the pub also doubled up as the village fire station.  The horse drawn fire engine was stored in the yard to the right of the pub.  He pointed out the cobbled pavement crossover which provided easy access for the vehicle. It is still there.
Susan Douglas (April 2021)

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