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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B28 > Dog & Partridge

Dog & Partridge

Picture source: planetearthisblue

The Dog & Partridge was situated on Priory Road, Hall Green and is now used as the Haven Church.
The now closed Dog and Partridge or " The Dog " as it was commonly known was one of Ansells Brewery, Aston Cross, Birmingham owned pubs. It's now a church.
My parents Stan & Connie Jones kept "The Dog" during the early 1960's for about two to three years. Looking at the front of the pub, if you went into the arched doorway there was a door each side that took you into the Public Bar. If I remember correctly it was a wooden counter top with two sets of hand pulls, there were no illuminated fancy cowls or taps then.
Again looking at the pub from outside, the door to the left of the arched door was the Off License/Outdoor. There used to be another door just to the left again but on the side which led you into the Smoke Room where you were served, I think, through a half door, hatch type counter.
Outside again to the right of the arched door there was a double door that led you into the Concert/ Assembly room. This was often used for dances and functions, a lot of groups started and learned their trade in pubs like this. I can remember Mom & Dad always having a huge tree put up every Christmas and customers were encouraged to bring toys in for either the children's hospital or home.
Outside again a gate just to the right of the double doors led to a bowling green and huge gardens that went right around the back of the pub. A football pitch was also included in these grounds. My Dad and my future father-in-law always used to joke that their prayer books had handles on them. If only they were here now to see that statement come true!!!
Sadly "The Dog" is no more, another part of community life has gone for ever.
Robert Jones (November 2015)

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Philip Palmer 1950s Used to visit the dog as a young boy in the 1950s Lea Green was the owner then. My family used to bowl at the side of the pub the grounds were kept beautiful.spent many an happy hour there we lived just down from the pub 76 Priory rd many fond memiries.