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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B38 > Saracens Head

Saracens Head

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Picture source: Hania Franek

A former inn, the Saracen’s Head was situated on The Green. It dates from the 18th century, closed as an inn in 1930 and was donated to the local church for use as the parish hall. The grade-II* listed building was in serious need of restoration when it was a winner in the BBC Restoration programme. It is now known as St Nicholas Place.

Listed building details:
Late C15 altered and added to. Timber-framed; tiled roof. Two storeys; 3 bays, the outer 2 both advanced and projecting behind either side of an internal courtyard. The bay on the right is the solar wing of the original hall house. It has recently been restored and has close-set studding with plaster infill. Its gabled upper storey is jettied on a moulded wood bressumer. The centre bay has been encased in brick and has on the ground floor a passage through into the courtyard behind, 2 doors and 2 bay windows, all except the smaller of the 2 windows within early C19 Gothic frieze. Over the bay windows tripartite casements. The left-hand bay was rebuilt in the C19 and has another bay window with Gothic frieze and, at first floor level, a single segment-headed casement window.

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