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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B5 > Fox & Grapes

Fox & Grapes

Picture source: David Gray

The Fox & Grapes was situated on Freeman Street. The last publican was Attracia Gilligan. This building was grade-II listed but this did not prevent it from being demolished as it was on the HS2 route. It was boarded up in 2015 and subsequently severely damaged by fire and demolished in 2018. It is thought that there was a pub on this site for 200 years.

Listed building details:
Corner site with Park Street. Possibly late C17 or early C18 with alterations in mid C19. May incorporate some elements of framing. Two storeys and attic house, stucco faced on brick, with 2 storey rear wings. Steep gable end old tile roofs with coped gable on plain kneelers to Park Street corner. Three bay elevation to Park Street, centre blind on first floor. One window to gable end return and one on wing. Ground floor to both elevations has C1860-70 public house front with panelled pilasters surrounded by coupled brackets in frieze supporting deeply moulded cornice. Leaded windows. Plain bar entrance set across corner and secondary bar doors. A further service and coach house wing extends from rear wing along Park Street with projecting narrow gabled break towards street. Brick dentil eaves.

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  © Copyright Michael Westley and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Picture source: David Gray