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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B6 > The Albion

The Albion

The Albion was situated at 23 Aston Road North.
This pub has now reopened.
David Gray (April 2015)
Now renamed The Jamaica House Inn.
Mick Hearn (January 2021)
I lived in Powell St opposite the Albion as a kid i worked at the petrol station with the bike on the wall. My dad drank at the Albion and the Havelock early to late 1950s and all sorts of fights were common Many years later i attended a reunion for kids from st Mary's school at the Albion. Fantastic. I have a plethora of stories relating to life of this area.
Michael Coffman (April 2023)

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Name Dates Comments
Colin Lancaster 1974/1980 Was a customer. Licensees were Don and Ann Dickson who moved on to the London Works Tavern in Smethwick, now demolished
Adrian Stanley 1980 Used to pop in for a pint on the way to Villa. Pat & Lynn Mills were running the pub, they used to run my local The Dogpool in Ten Acres (Stirchley).
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Picture source: David Gray