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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B6 > Bulls Head

Bulls Head

Picture source: David Gray

The Bulls Head was situated on Pritchett Street.
Source: Russell Judge
The earliest references to The Bulls Head appear to be the entries in two of the local directories of the period. Pigots, which was published on August 3rd 1818 and Wrightsons for the year 1818, both of which refer to Thomas Capner of The Bulls Head at Aston in Pritchett Street. From that date it has been possible to trace a record of its uninterrupted use as a beerhouse on the site at 111 Pritchett Street until the present day. Indeed it appears likely that part of the present day building date from the beginning of the 19th century.
In 1923 the freehold of the site and of the buildings was purchased by Ansells Brewery from Rushtons Brewery of 69 Aston Road North. The landlord at the time was Jimmy Healey.
David Gray (November 2013)
I used to drink in the Bulls Head when I worked in Aston in the late 1980s. I remember it having a row of folding cinema/theatre seats along the back wall.
Malcolm Coghill (March 2018)

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Name Dates Comments
Adrian Hall 1967-1971 Meryl Gladys Hearn was my mother and this was my home between 1967 and 1971.
Kelvin Marsden 1966 My mother was landlady.