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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B6 > Shareholders Arms

Shareholders Arms


The Shareholders Arms was situated at 25 Park Lane. This pub was demolished with a new pub of the same name built on the site. It is now used as offices.
My dad, Arthur Taylor, was a pub manager for Ansells brewery and The Shareholders was his first pub. We lived there from 1959 to late 1962 when we moved to the Stork Inn, High St, Aston. They started to demolish and rebuild the pub while we were still living in it! I still use a table that one of the carpenters made for my mum. Many folk believe the pub was knocked down and rebuilt over the road as it used to be at 25 Park Lane and now Park Lane runs at the back of the pub. The 'new' one occupies the same footprint as the original and the Lane was rerouted.
Moira Taylor (June 2020)

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Picture source: David Gray