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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B6 > The Stork

The Stork

The Stork was situated at 217 Aston High Street.
My dad ( Arthur Taylor) was publican at The Stork from Sept 1962 till February 1967 when we moved to The Porchester Arms.
The Stork stood on the corner of High St and Asylum Rd where High St ended and Newtown Row began. The Post Office was opposite The Stork on the corner of Asylum Rd and Newtown Row. The market hall was a little further on.
The Stork was a large pub over three floors, not counting the cellar. The ground floor held a smoke room; a ladies' snug; a main bar which ran the length of the frontage on High St and an upstairs function room. There was also a band room on the first floor where a local silver band met weekly to practice. The corner door into the pub had a stork etched into the glass above the door and there was also a beautiful etched mirror behind the bar.
Customers came from the nearby shops, factories and houses as it was still a vibrant, thriving area then. Often when I was upstairs in bed I could hear the customers singing; when 'Bits & Pieces' was popular they would sing loudly and stamp their feet! I also loved hanging out of my window to watch the escapologist on Saturday nights in Asylum Rd.
Moira Taylor (June 2020)

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Date of photo: 1960s

Picture source: Moira Taylor