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Home > Warwickshire > Warwick > Emscote Tavern

Emscote Tavern



The Emscote Tavern was situated on Emscote Road.
Source: Dave Shirley
This pub is one of the most recent to disappear from the Warwick skyline as it was demolished in June. It had stood on the South side of Emscote Road, close to the canal bridge since at least 1828 and it kept its name right through to the last ten years or so of its existence when it briefly became the Emscote Bears, Bennies, The Bears, and finally just the Emscote before closing down. It is first listed in 1828 at 50 Emscote Place but this becomes 82 Emscote Road in 1882. It had 13 licensees during the period 1828 to 1956, with only the last one named being a lady. John Upton was listed as a brewer as well in Kelly's in 1904 but by 1911 there is an advert in Spennal's where it is a Davenports pub.
Roderick Grubb (December 2019)

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Name Dates Comments
Lyn Owens 1972-1982 My parents were regulars & I started work there part time, 2 days after my 18th birthday in 1974, for Betty Lawton & husband Bill.