HOTEL,SWINDON. 10th July 1903
When taken over by J. Caswell from Mr. W.B. Keylock
500 cabbage, potatoes,carrots,9 rows of peas
Fowl-house 66x66x5,with 4 sheets of corrugated iron and wire to
enclose fowl run
Heap of manure, mushroom bed, clothes wire & posts.
Fruit trees in garden 45 gooseberry & currant, & 3 apple
2 8ft iron frame garden seats.
Wheelbarrow, dog kennel,1 tub .lead-lined water trough,2 bales & chain,1
headstall,2 brooms
Shovel & prong, gas light (fixed).22 roller blinds & fittings, false collar,
dog-cart(4 wheels) no lamps.
Set of quoits, rudder set 7 tread steps,2 galvanized cans,2 gallon jars, 2
drawers, 2 knife boards,
Long arm, coal, knife cleaner, 4 buckets, 1 broom.
6 stoppers, 6 brass taps in casks, 3 plated taps, 4 wooden taps, 2 metal
taps, 2 screw drivers, stock & bit,
5 spare unions, 6 funnels, copper waste save-all, dip stick, 1 quart copper
measure, 1 gallon copper measure
Copper beer filter, 3 spanners, 1 mallet, 1 gunlet, pincers, gas bracket,
thermometer & rule,
4ft board, for supporting pipes, 2 tins disinfectant, oak drip tub.
48 doz. Small Bass ex A.M. Adams £4 4s 0d
2 doz. pint 7s 0d
2 6 bottle baskets 5s 0d
Ύ neabfoot oil 2s 6d
12 sherry bottles ex Manford,1 Bailey + 2 cans £1 12s 6d
2 doz stone ginger 2s 0d
2 odd port special £3 0s 0d
10 doz minerals 10s0d
Port ex Whitworth 134 bottles £3 8s 0d
2 doz pint stout 7s 0d
--------------- £13 17
Brass fender & fire brasses, Brussels carpet 11x12 & under-felt, hearth
rug46, marble pedestal wash-table
Shaped marble slab with cupboards & drawer, set of pink & white double
ware,9 piece toilet duchesse to matchth 9 drawers, 4 small double ware
toilet set, plate glass mirror, 36 mahogany wardrobe with plate glass
Panel door drawer under & cornice over. Mahogany towel horse,3 chairs,2
mats & toilet cover.
4mahogany antique chest of drawers with secret drawer, mahogany night
commode, 6 engravings (framed)
Mantle board & 5 ornaments,6 brass gas brackets,bamboo cornice, pair lace
curtains & roller blind,2 brass
Curtain holders
Iron fender, lino as laid, wicker flower stand, bamboo table & cover,walnut
overmantle,12 ornaments
Inlaid walnut what-not, bamboo bookshelves, mahogany table & cover, wicker
flower stand, pair lace curtains,
Roller blind, 4 brackets, 6 pictures, easy chair, gas bracket, 2 glass
shades, 1 globe, 5 incandescet shades
Jardiniere pot.
Iron fender, tapestry carpet as laid, hearth rug, iron bedstead brass mtd.
4 spring mattress,straw palliasse,
Wool mattress, 2 sheets, 2 blankets, 1 blanket, quilt, feather bolster, 2
pillows, painted washstand, set of toilet
Ware, toilet table with mirror, towel horse, chest of 5 drawers, 2 caneseat
chairs, pair lace curtains, roller blind, 4 brackets, 1 picture, 7 ornaments
& sundries, 16 brass rods & eyes, writing slope.
6 utensils, 3 washing basins, sundrey ware & ornaments.
Lino as laid 15 x 11, matting for dressing glass 2yds. x 1yd., picture
sundry wall decorations, inlaid
Walnut what-not, iron fender, childs chair, cot & mattresspair lace
curtains, roller blind.
2 bamboo tables, pair lace curtains, roller blind, towel airer,
Parlour quoits, 5 roller blinds, chest of 4 drawers, towel airer, 7
pictures, 2 extra roller blinds, pair lace curtains.
2 bamboo frames, 2 chair cushions.
Tapestry carpet 15 x131/2, hearth rug, chest of 5 drawers, iron bedstead
46, straw palliasse, feather bed, bolster, 3 pillows, 2 blankets, 2
sheets, coverlet, 3 cane seat chairs, 2 towel horses, mahogany
Dressing table+ 2 drawers, Mahogany frame toilet glass, bracket, mahogany
night commode, flock bed,
Birch frame glass, washstand & 5 pieces of ware, painted wardrobe, 3
pictures, 1 bracket, roller blind,
Lace curtains, eiderdown.
6 metal dish covers, lino as laid 15 x 10, steel bar, kitchen fender,
poker & stove, overmantle, drum clock
Small clock, stout table with 2 drawers & cover, mahogany table on iron
frame & cover, 6 windsor chairs,
1 giant arm chair, folding chair, 3 roller blinds, 3 dwarf curtains,rail & 4
pins, rail & 6 pins, blue & white
Dinner ware marked Frome Hotel, 29 plates, 7 vegetable dishes, 6 sauce
boats, 3 teapots, 60 pieces of various ware.
1-6 bottle cruet, egg cruet, plated teapot, 2 coffee pots,
3-4 3 odd cruet bottles, 13 tumblers, sundry tin moulds
1-3 12 teaspoons, 1 metal spoon, 2 steels, 34 metal forks, bread knife,
38 white handled knives
12 small white handled knives, 7 carving knives, 3 carving forks, 24 metal
spoons, 2 pictures, gas bracket.
Table, linen airer, 2 copper kettles, 2 frying pans, 8 saucepans, 7 meat
tins, fish slice, coffee pot, saw, iron
Kettle, wash-up, shovel, iron fender, sponge bath, 3 enamel bowls, 1 dish, 2
enamel bowls, zinc bucket,
Towel rail, gas bracket, window curtain.
4 enamelled jugs, 5 dishes, brown warepan & cover, 2 colanders, japanned
tray, 2 strainers, teapot,
Rolling-pin & board, soup tureen, cheese cover, lemon squeezer, egg whisk,
23ft-2 shelves as
Fixed on brackets, 2 enamelled pie dishes, gas piping from kitchen to lamp
in yard 26ft.
The 3 burner pendant, show lamp on ornamental iron bracket, 10 doz.bottles
1/-, Cathedral glass panels
to front door, the material & erection of sash window to serving bar in
pitch pine,
Cathedral glass panels & door from private bar to serving bar,
to back hall & the fan light over, the 4 arms to the end of seats in
public bar,
3 seats(not under windows) 1-wall 2-partition, sash window from bar to jug
Cathedral glass door with side panel as erected in pitch pine from serving
bar to back hall.
panels enclosing top of enclosure to main entrance
11 coloured clarets, 24 ports, 12 plain, 12 ports, 8 wines, 34 wines, 11
tumblers, 2 Elgin beers,
9 wine glasses, 3 wine glasses (various), 5 wine (various), 22 ½ pintglass
mugs with handles
22 1pt. glass mugs with handles, 9 straight quarts, 9 aerated water
glasses, 40 straight pints, 19 lip pints, 6 lip
22 x11 lino, 6ft.coconut rug, brass rail,fender & brasses, grate screen, 6
oval iron fram tables with marble t
Top, 15 smoking armchairs, 3 cane seat stools, wicker music Canterbury, 2
photos (framed), 8 day dial in
Mahogany, painted vase, 3 gas brackets with candles & burners, 8ft. brass
cornich, heavy plush curtains &
Brass holders, 4 wire blinds & fittings, 2 roller blinds & fittings, 6 water
bottles, 6 spittoons, 3 brass ash trays
Pianoforte in walnut by Milson & Son, stool,pot & plant, electric battery &
bells throughout house,
Entrance gas bracket.
Lino as laid 10ft x 5ft., 9 ft. coconut mat + 1 spare, pitchpine shelves &
cupboards at back of bar with sliding
Doors & fluted pilastes & cornice 9ft. hig h 8ft.wide, small set of 3
shelves at entrance, 3 drawers fitted
to counter, small set of 6 shelves at entrance, set of 6 larger shelves at
2-4 pull brass mounted beer engines with brass taps,reunions & 120 ft.lead
piping & drip taps.1 standard gas burner & pipe lighter, 2 incandescent
brackets,6 gas brackets.
The polyphon in walnut with 10 plates,gramophone with 15 records
The check till- patent 5.3 gall.spiritchina keys lettered with plated taps.
The national till Copper muller with 2 brass taps,3 tin funnels,pewter
quart,pint,1/2 pint..4 pewter spirit,1 spirit funnel. Painted drain pipe &
Pair glass decanters, dominoes & 3 marking boards,1 glass claret jug,
inkstand & call bell
2 mahogany tables on iron frame 4ft.x 18inches, 3 windsor chairs,4 roller
blinds,4 wire blind in 4 mahogany frames.
8 day dial by Collett, ring board, butlers mahogany tray,coconut mat, gas
bracket in hall, 9 patent corks,patent cork drawer.
Linoleum as laid 141/2 x 131/4,hearth rug,iron fender,painted fire screen in
bamboo, 3 vases,4 iron framed circular mahogany top tables, 16 spar back
Windsor chairs,1 windsor smoking armchair, 6 iron spittoons, parlour quoits,
American clock in walnut, 5 wire blinds, 2 bamboo cornices, 3 roller blinds,
2 in candle burners & gas brackets
1 plain bracket,1 pair damask curtains.
Bordered Brussels pile carpet 12x9 + underfelt, lino surround,Mantel board
with plush border, needlework & curtains, walnut frame overmantel, 2 gas
brackets with burners, oak china shelves with plate glass panels, bamboo tea
table, French card table in rosewood & rormolu,2 bamboo cornices, 2 pairs
lace curtains, 3 roller blinds, wicker paperstand, Japanned stool, china,
Brussels carpet 10ft 6 x 9,lino as laid 13ft x10ft,iron fender & rug, 3 fire
brass,grate screen in bamboo frame,Japanned coal-scuttle, walnut overmantel
with beveled plates & brackets, 8 ornaments, 3ft 6inch walnut
bookcase,shelves,cupboards, cornice,glazed doors, 7 chairs with padded
seats, easy chair in mahogany, wicker easy chair, Rosewood frame couch
upholstered in leather , Walnut low table on claw pillar & plinth, tapestry
table cover, brass cornice pole with fittings
50 glass bottles 2 s 0p
1 box corks 1 0
12 doz. Light dinner pts. Ale £1 4 0
(Cosser & Bond)
9 doz.small bass (Brown & Plumer) 15 9
St.Julian 5 small 3 9
St.Julian 25 large £1 17 6
2 bottles Beaune 5 0
9 doz.light dinner pints ale 18 0
Sawdust & bag ----
3 gross matches @ 10/6d
Cask 1 capacity 371/2 Gin 32 gallons £18 8s 0d
Cask 2 Scotch whisky 18 ½ 24.3 13 17 6
Cask 3 Irish whisky 151/4 23.9 11 8 9
Cask4 Brandy 20 galls 23.9 19 0 0
Cask 5 Port 133/4 galls 5 10 0
Cask 6 Sherry 6 galls 2 11 0
John Walker 2 doz in cases 3 12 0
John Dewars special 1 doz. 1 16 0
£84 2 9
Champaigne Perrier & Jonet 9 bottles 2 16 0
Jamacia Rum 13 bottles 1 2 6
Curious old scotch 5 bottles 17 6
Lime juice cordial 3 bottles 3 0
Grants sportsman Morello cherry 3 12 0
Liquer sloe gin 7 bottles
Hawkers Plymouth 1 8 0
Mint 5 bottles 7 6
Orange bitters 5 bottles 10 0
Cloves 5 10 0
Cherry whisky 3 quarts 10 6
Caswell brandy 4 bottles 14 0
Cognac Grievelles 24 bottles 4 8 0
£ 14 9 0