
Adobe Systems Inc.

A framed share of Adobe is a real gift that grows.

One Share of Adobe Stock
One share of real Adobe stock registered to anyone you choose in less than three minutes!

The Adobe Stock Certificate features the Adobe "A" logo, and is bordered in decorative green. The signatures of company officials can be found at the bottom.

What you've been saying
Excellent for graphic designers.
Reviewer: Melina from Illinois

I got a share of Adobe for John, who's a graphic designer - he got his start with Photoshop 2.0 all those years ago, and loves Adobe product. This was a great gift for him!

About the Adobe Company

One share of Adobe Stock gives you a piece of this unique software company, which is one of the world's largest software firms, generating yearly revenues over $1.6 billion. Thousands of people around the globe use its PDF reader, Adobe Acrobat, to read and transmit information electronically.


Note that unlike the historical stock certificates sold at The Share Gallery, these are live, official stocks from publicly traded companies that have been purchased on the stock exchange. When you give someone the gift of stock, they become real shareholders! They're automatically entitled to all shareholder privileges and benefits, including dividends (if declared), annual reports, the right to attend shareholder meetings, and company voting rights!

Adobe Company History

Adobe's first products after PostScript were digital fonts, which they released in a proprietary format called Type 1. Apple subsequently developed a competing standard, TrueType, which provided full scalability and precise control of the pixel pattern created by the font's outlines, and licensed it to Microsoft. Adobe responded by publishing the Type 1 specification and releasing Adobe Type Manager, software that allowed WYSIWYG scaling of Type 1 fonts on screen, like TrueType, although without the precise pixel-level control. But these moves were too late to stop the rise of TrueType. Although Type 1 remained the standard in the graphics/publishing market, TrueType became the standard for business and the average Windows user. In 1996, Adobe and Microsoft announced the OpenType font format, and in 2003 Adobe completed converting its Type 1 font library to OpenType.
In the mid-1980s, Adobe entered the consumer software market with Adobe Illustrator, a vector-based drawing program for the Apple Macintosh. Illustrator, which grew from the firm's in-house font-development software, helped popularize PostScript-enabled laser printers. Unlike MacDraw, then the standard Macintosh vector drawing program, Illustrator described shapes with more flexible B?zier curves, providing unprecedented accuracy. Font rendering in Illustrator, however, was left to the Macintosh's QuickDraw libraries and would not be superseded by a PostScript-like approach until Adobe released Adobe Type Manager.
In 1989, Adobe introduced what was to become its flagship product, Adobe Photoshop for the Macintosh. Stable and full-featured, Photoshop 1.0 was ably marketed by Adobe and soon dominated the market.
Arguably, one of Adobe's few missteps on the Macintosh platform was their failure to develop their own desktop publishing (DTP) program. Instead, Aldus with PageMaker in 1985 and Quark with QuarkXPress in 1987 gained early leads in the DTP market. Adobe was also slow to address the emerging Windows DTP market. However, Adobe made great strides in that market with release of InDesign and its bundled Creative Suite offering. In a failure to predict the direction of computing, Adobe released a complete version of Illustrator for Steve Jobs' ill-fated NeXT system, but a poorly produced version for Windows.
Despite these missteps, licensing fees from the PostScript interpreter allowed Adobe to outlast or acquire many of its rivals in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In December 1991, Adobe released Adobe Premiere, which Adobe rebranded to Adobe Premiere Pro in 2003. In 1994, Adobe acquired Aldus and added Adobe PageMaker and Adobe After Effects to its production line later in the year; it also controls the TIFF file format. In 1995, Adobe added Adobe FrameMaker, the long-document DTP application, to its production line after Adobe acquired Frame Technology Corp. In 1999, Adobe introduced Adobe InCopy as a direct competitor to QuarkCopyDesk.



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